In my "Communicating Science and Technology to the Public" course, I developed a citizen science initiative, guiding 9-12-year-olds in understanding their carbon footprint through an engaging app. Citizen science involves public participation in collaborative scientific exploration. User-tested wireframes, refined for accessibility, form the basis of the project, complemented by a concise video series. Ultimately, the wireframes below are blueprints to boosting the Georgia science curriculum with a fun learning platform.

The low-fidelity wireframe evolved through discussions with potential users, emphasizing customization opportunities and agency. Avatar choices were prioritized to foster identity building, while streamlined menus ensured the app's focus remained clear and user-centric.

The high-fidelity wireframe employs vibrant colors intentionally designed to captivate users, while its pixelated aesthetic reinforces a commitment to simplicity in messaging and layout. Gaps in the high-fidelity wireframe signal areas transformed into video content, elaborated upon in the following sections for a comprehensive user experience.

The YouTube series below simplifies carbon footprints and related terms like greenhouse gases and climate change to complement the wireframe above. While the scope of this course did not advance the wireframes into prototypes, the idea is that this app would be used on school-provided technology such as a tablet or iPad. Click on the play button below to explore the entire playlist.
Created with Figma and YouTube.